Pet-nat, Steras (0.75 l)

Country:  Slovenia
Region:  Primorska / Slovenian Istria
Sugar level:  dry
Style:  PET-NAT
Sort:  Malvasia
Stopnja alkohola:  12,5 %
Volumen:  0,75 L
Winemaker:  Steras

Dry wine. Pet-Nat is an abbreviation for the French term petillant-naturelle, the production method is also called “methode ancestrale”. This is a natural sparkling wine that is bottled before the first fermentation has finished, allowing the natural sugars present in the grapes to form bubbles. We do not add sulfur and we do not filter the wine. The sediment that remains in the bottle gives the wine its durability. This ancient method is, on the one hand, very simple, but on the other hand, due to the unpredictability of the end result, it is also one of the most difficult. The result is a rustic and at the same time delicate, sparkling and very fruity sparkling wine that is an exceptional reflection of its terroir

Price incl. VAT 16,00 
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